
Other Articles by Kerby Kuek

5thSpecial Edition of English Article on Chinese Metaphysic

                                                                                                          Exclusively brought to you by Kerby Kuek   


Everything that is coexists within the context of Heaven (Sky) and Earth or cosmic is I-Ching. 易與天地淮

I-Ching is none other than the everyday activities that we live in. Things required systematic or pattern to exist and such behaviors are documented in proper manner. Sun rises on the east and sets on the west. Summer is hot while winter is cold. All these can be explained by using ancient Chinese Yin and Yang and 5 elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. However, to pre-emptive certain rational is not the study or spirit of I-Ching. A practical Feng Shui master will explain their findings in 2 ways. One is the theoretical part of Feng Shui; the other is the practicality or his or her own experiences. If you cannot seem to put his or her explanation into logic, then your doubt is acceptable. There is no secret in Feng Shui only inability to explain, such ignorance is desperately hurting the promotion of Feng Shui essence or Chinese Metaphysic for that matter. –by Kerby Kuek

Brief Introduction on the development of Auspicious Day Selection

The modern techniques of Day Selection have become cumbersome and at times complicated. With some exception most of techniques were passed down from Ming and Qing eras. Each technique carries significant cultural background at that particular time frame, as determined by cultural activities such as burial ceremonies, customs and the development of calendar. In ancient world, the dates for building a house, selecting a graveyard, building a temple, shrine, altar, as well as the opening ceremonial of an important event and so on were critical. 

Most of the books on Day Selections came from the Ming and Qing eras; the development and evolution of the techniques that often being used can be detected from the prefaces and the tables of contents. That alluded to the format, trend, patterns, which group of target audiences and what cultural background that referring to. As time passed, the types of services and techniques have evolved and became more of a choice. That evolution has closely link to daily activities such as mending the fishing net, picking the honey from beehive, or even the trade of dogs and cats must be done on a ‘selected date’. Therefore in order to study Day Selection, a senior practitioner should study the cultural activities that carry most significant weight on the method. To grasp the techniques, one must understand the ancient practises, beliefs and the background of cultural activities. 

King Jia Qing 14th year ‘The real essence of Day Selection’s prefaces: “She Ma Wen Kong mentioned that the ancient predictive tool to determine the kind and unkind dates is none other than to utilize the 5-element interaction in accordance to seasons, day or night surrounding the parameters and depending on the person and the tool that one use. In Qing and Chun eras the secret lies in Yin and Yang and in Tang era, Yang Jun Song Tang placed emphasis on 5-element and seasons that might determine the right mountain to harness the kind and avoid the unkind energies. 

The book is divided into ten volumes with different sub-topics, first four volumes already have a total of more than hundred sub-topics, and this is definitely inextricable and complicated process. To show one of the examples: ‘San Sak is extremely harmful, army in danger is second, to overcome such downfall, avoid occupy mountain and burial ceremony, this can be countered with three solutions, first to utilize the San Her setting, second is to apply the San Her theory at the right month in which the San Sak is hibernating (at rest), third is the person’s life pillars accorded with ‘Green Horse Guidance Angel’, together with eight sectors and San Ji, or the arrival of lunar and solar’s energies, to use the month and day Sound Adoption Theory to destruct the San Sak’s Sound adoption. To counter the San Sak energies in the South of Snake/Horse/Goat, fire element, we will use month/day/time’s Monkey/Rat/Dragon water setting. We should avoid the settings of Tiger/Horse/Dog as well as the Boar/Rabbit/Goat setting that serve to ignite further such killings energies. Should San Sak in the East sector; one should use the Tiger/Rabbit/Dragon because they are Wood element that requires the combination of Metal (Snake/Rooster/Ox) to counter the bad energies. Avoid using the Boar/Rabbit/Goat (Wood setting) and Monkey/Rat/Dragon (Water setting) that provide stimulus to the killing energies. If San Sak in west sector, Monkey/Rooster/Dog is the metal elements, for month, day and time, we would use Tiger/Horse/Dog (Fire setting) to destruct the metal energies, if we use the Snake/Rooster/Ox Metal combination, this will serve as a catalyst to ignite further the San Sak energies, and the outcome could be detrimental. If San Sak in North sector with Boar/Rat/Ox setting is Water, San Her setting is without Earth element to destruct the water element, we cannot use the Dragon/Dog/Ox/Goat Earth energies that directly dashing the water element, therefore, we should use the month/day/time Sound Adoption Theory to counter the Sound Adoption of the San Sak element. For instance, Kap Horse year, San Sak is at the North (Boar/Rat/Ox) and is water element, utilise the Five Tiger Escape Method, we got Peng Rat/Ding Ox water sound, we should reverse the solution to find out the sound adoption method of earth to destruct the water energies and so on. Our task is to control the Sak and to use it to our advantages. Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) location can be offended if one should facing its direction, contrary to the San Sak location that one will offend the San Sak by sitting at its direction and vice versa. To fence off the San Sak one should use the destructive method at its direction. However, there is always exception to the rule, if the San Sak is at a mountain; we cannot use this method, as this will destruct the mountain that provides support to us.’  

This is a standard technique of 5-elements creative, destructive, transformation, and drainage method. 

We now observe that King Jian Long at age of San Rabbit unclassified the Lian Ying Che Ting Shu preface, exclusively to Yang Jun Song, with one common thing during the Ming and Qing eras, only Yang Jun Song works were preached and practiced, other Day Selection methods were classified as false findings and were inaccessible. Such book contents 14th volumes with more than hundred sub-topics with emphasis on Deities and Sak (killing forces), which placed great emphasis on 3 Circles, White-Purple and the Lok Shu Escape and Flying method that focus on none other than Tian De Ren (Heaven/Earth/Human), time, 5-elements, 6 tunes, 7 stars, 8 winds and so on. For example, to buy cat and dog, one should use Kap Rat day, Yuet Ox day, Peng Horse day, Peng Dragon day, Yam Horse day, Kang Horse day, Yam Rat day, Kang Rat day, Tian De day, Yeh De energetic day to its fullest advantage. To avoid Fey Lian, Shou Ser, Keng Jou Kui inauspicious dates, we have the Xian Cat Method; it is believed that during that period rat epidemic was having an impact on the health of the society and public will only purchase cat that can really catch rat in an auspicious day! 

Here is today widely used Day Selection Method: Jian Day/Chu Day/Ying Day/Ping Day/Ding Day/Zhe Day/Pi Day/Wei Day/Cheng Day/. This auspicious and inauspicious method is similar to the ‘Huai Nan Chi Tian Wen Xun’, even the contents are similar. Also, has the similarity with Tian Shui Fang Ma Tan Qing Jian ‘Day Book’. This book became well known and popular before the reigns King Qing of ancient China. It burial date was the Ninth month and ninth day during the 8th year of King Qing BC 239.

Day Book Type A

Tiger Month正月Jian Tiger建寅,Chu Rabbit除卯,Ying Dragon盈辰,Ping Snake平巳,Ding Horse定午,Zhe Goat執未,Pi Monkey彼申,Wei Rooster危酉,Cheng Dog成戌,So Boar收亥,Kai Rat開子,Bi Ox閉丑。 

Rabbit Month二月Jian Rabbit建卯,Chu Dragon除辰,Ying Snake盈巳,Ping Horse平午,Ding Goat定未,Zhe Monkey執申,Pi Rooster彼酉,Wei Dog危戌,Cheng Boar成亥,So Rat收子,Kai Ox開丑,Bi Tiger閉寅。 

Dragon Month三月Jian Dragon建辰,Chu Snake除巳,Ying Horse盈午,Ping Goat平未,Ding Monkey定申,Zhe Rooster執酉,Pi Dog彼戌,Wei Boar危亥,Cheng Rat成子,So Ox收丑,Kai Tiger開寅,Bi Rabbit閉卯。 

Snake Month四月Jian Snake建巳,Chu Horse除午,Ying Goat盈未,Ping Monkey平申,Ding Rooster定酉,Zhe Dog執戌,Pi Boar彼亥,Wei Rat危子,Cheng Ox成丑,So Tiger收寅,Kai Rabbit開卯,Bi Dragon閉辰。

Horse Month五月Jian Horse建午,Chu Goat除未,Ying Monkey盈申,Ping Rooster平酉,Ding Dog定戌,Zhe Boar執亥,Pi Rat彼子,Wei Ox危丑,Cheng Tiger成寅,So Rabbit收卯,Kai 開辰,Bi Snake閉巳。 

Goat Month六月Jian Goat建未,Chu Monkey除申,Ying Rooster盈酉,Ping Dog平戌,Ding Boar定亥,Zhe Rat執子,Pi Ox彼丑,Wei Tiger危寅,Cheng Rabbit成卯,So Dragon收辰,Kai Snake開巳,Bi Horse閉午。 

Monkey Month七月Jian Monkey建申,Chu Rooster除酉,Ying Dog盈戌,Ping Boar平亥,Ding Rat定子,Zhe Ox執丑,Pi Tiger彼寅,Wei Rabbit危卯,Cheng Dragon成辰,So Snake收巳,Kai Horse開午,Bi Goat閉未。 

Rooster Month八月Jian Rooster建酉,Chu Dog除戌,Ying Boar盈亥,Ping Rat平子,Ding Ox定丑,Zhe Tiger執寅,Pi Rabbit彼卯,Wei Dragon危辰,Cheng Snake成巳,So Horse收午,Kai Goat開未,Bi Monkey閉申。 

Dog Month九月Jian Dog建戌,Chu Boar除亥,Ying Rat 盈子,Ping Ox平丑,Ding Tiger定寅,Zhe Rabbit執卯,Pi Dragon彼辰,Wei Snake危巳,Cheng Horse成午,So Goat收未,Kai Monkey開申,Bi Rooster閉酉。 

Boar Month十月Jian Boar建亥,Chu Rat除子,Ying Ox盈丑,Ping Tiger平寅,Ding Rabbit定卯,Zhe Dragon執辰,Pi Snake彼巳,Wei Horse危午,Cheng Goat成未,So Monkey收申,Kai Rooster開酉,Bi Dog閉戌。 

Rat Month十一月Jian Rat建子,Chu Ox除丑,Ying Tiger盈寅,Ping Rabbit平卯,Ding Dragon定辰,Zhe Snake執巳,Pi Horse彼午,Wei Goat危未,Cheng Monkey成申,So Rooster收酉,Kai Dog開戌,Bi Boar閉亥。 

Ox Month十二月Jian Ox建丑,Chu Tiger除寅,Ying Rabbit盈卯,Ping Dragon平辰,Ding Snake定巳,Zhe Horse執午,Pi Goat彼未,Wei Monkey危申,Cheng Rooster成酉,So Dog收戌,Kai Boar開亥,Bi Rat閉子。

Brief Explanation

Jian Day: virtuous day, to save, avoid stingy person, to express good wishes, to breed animals, an extra ordinary day

Chu Day: exile, unwarranted, distress, dead, can cure, to eliminate sin, to tackle the stringy person

Ying Day: favour to build prison, favour to buy animals, favour to build civil offices, avoid illness, uncured sickness, and avoid stingy person

Ping Day: good time for marriage, express good wishes, entertain clients, auspicious day

Ding Day: to store, express good wishes

Zhe Day: avoid such dates, travel,

Kei Day: exile, snatching

Pi Day:  indifferences

Wei Day: care and pledge as guarantor, outdoors activities

Bi Day: to get helpers, to build pond

Cheng Day: good day, breed animal, harvest 

Nevertheless, this is not only the book that emerged or excavated from the Qing Han period, book such as A type of ‘Day Book’ by Sui Fu De Qin Jian, did mentioned the 28-Stars (Lunar mansions planet) and its applications. 

To use Mr Liu Shu ‘Chun Chiu Era Burial system with Month and Day burials’ carries the title of ‘Burial Calendar’: “to bury one must avoid nine empty land and consider aspects like solar’s hard and soft, lunar’s Yin and Yang, the combinations of such will determine the kind and unkind energies that emerge as a result’.  Witness the Chou era burial ceremonial, King Chu die and buried in the Yin month, Yeut Ding Kei San Kwai are grouped as soft days (Yang Days). History tells us that older the era, the simpler the technique was, like wise, the later period contents more sophisticated and complicated techniques that hard to digest. 

Shu De San says: ‘The need to study is important aspect because such need is the foundation of all innovations rather not the new or old methodologies.’ Unscrupulous practitioners invent or reinventing existing methods relentlessly making false claims that misled audiences to their advantages. Xuan Kong Zhang Pai believed that the utmost critical point here is to study the root and have strong foundation that will help to deter the rights from wrongs.-by Grand Master Lau Rui Shan, translated by Kerby Kuek 

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