林卓榮師傅其他文章(Other Articles by Teren Lam)
Teren Lam )
According to the fate of the top billionaire in Hong Kong, he will be retired in 2009 or 2010 because of suffering a serious illness. After his retirement, his business empire will begin to decline rapidly from 2010. As the financial tsunami is devastating the economy of Hong Kong, this event will deepen the affection. The unemployment rate will increase to an uncontrollable situation. Moreover, a lot of entrepreneurs will shrink at least 30-50%. In addition, the feng shui of HKSAR Chief Executive Office was entirely destroyed by the Bank of China Building and the reclamation of the seashore of Central and the feng shui of HSBC Building was also completely destroyed by Hong Kong Government. For the above reason, the economy of Hong Kong will become depression for 6 years which start from 2010. Therefore, I hope Hong Kong citizen must make unremitting efforts to improve themselves for fighting for their future.(本篇完)