
Other Articles by Kerby Kuek

11thSpecial Edition of English Article on Chinese Metaphysic

                                                                                                          Exclusively brought to you by Kerby Kuek   


Liu Fa-Part 3-蓮池心法

Kin Kwan Breed 6-offspring (see Diagram)

-Kin and Kwan intercourse to breed 6 Guas.

-Kin leads 3 males of Chan Ham Kan

-Kwan leads 3 females of Shun , Lei and Dui

The inverted of Kin and Kwan, Kan and Dui, Ham and Lei, Chan and Shun is dictated by the position of Kin and Kwan. The change in first Yao of Chan and Shun intercourses, middle Yao of Ham and Lei intercourses, Upper Yao of Kan and Dui intercourses. As a result three females and three males were produced. Take a look at Chan with more Yin Yaos, Shun with more Yang Yaos and etc. This is an example of balancing Yin and Yang. The 5 elements destructive and creative cycles have therefore formed this universe. The extreme of Yang (Kin) and Yin (Kwan) will not be in used as such. 

Such end result is depicted as Small Gua or 3 Yaos Gua (with three lines). This serves as the formation of the basic Bagua diagram. The process of intercourse that breeds 6-offspring will lead to the utilization of the Xuan Kong Fa Jian time aspect methodology, by determining the 24 mountains Gua energy. In Shao Yung’s Kwan Wu Pian (觀物篇), ’6 Gua transformed to 8, Zhong Gua and thus transformed into 28, with 36 then transformed into 64. Yaos as set as 6 Guas, limit to 8, and starve at 36 and Zhong at 64’. This is different from the above diagram, which places emphasis on 64 Guas. 

The above male and female intercourse will lead to 8 pure Guas, with that they have transformed into 18 Guas (the result of the 6 offspring change itself three times), together with 6 changes of Kin and Kwan Guas, that surprisingly match the 24 mountains. 

The universe is such that is dynamic and the intercourse of Yin and Yang would take place continuously and the 64 Guas merely serve as the expression of such changes that take place. The changes in the weather (sky) will have impact on the earth such as produces and the soil textures, no violation of the nature of universe in normal course.

Earth Yin changes will result in Yang, Material Yang changes will result in Yin.

Translated by Kerby Kuek on Grand Master Lau origin text.


Liu Fa-Part 4

Bagua Transformation Diagram

Both Kin and Kwan were old and retired from holding major position in this process. The eldest Son, Chan, and the eldest daughter, Shun, would replace them respectively. This ancient society norm is still practiced in today’s world, where by the eldest son would stand by to replace or inherit their parent’s role or businesses.  “Kin and Kwan are still the Yi’s main door and the universe’s pioneer’, is like the Eastern Han’s Yu Fan Guas that Kin and Kwan breed 6-offsrpings. To explain the context of Yaos and 12 News Guas, that has complicated the process and relationship. However the great Jin fang used the 6-offspring Guas to instill into the 72 Hou(weather), clearly differentiating the Yin and Yang that according to the weather or season. 

This article focal point is the changes of Gua Yaos that lead to the findings of 24 mountain Gua energy. To do this we must adhere to certain rules. Kan and Dui’s Upper Yao is the principal Yao, Kin, Kwan. Ham and Lei will use middle Yao as their principal Yaos, while Shun and Chan will use Lower Yao as principal Yao. The second rule is that changes in the Principal Yao will change all three Yaos. That is Yang Yao will change to Yin Yao and vice versa. The notion of ‘Three Threads got you a boy and Three Threads got you a girl’ came from this ancient Principle.

The Inner layer uses the Early Days Bagua order Kin/South, Kwan/North, Lei/East, Ham/West, whiel four corners are Dui/Southeast, Kan/Northwest, Chan/Northeast and Shun/Southwest. This will serve as the body for Yaos Changes., the middle ring is the 24-mountains, while the outer layer consists of Yaos that had transformed. The most outer layer is the inverted Guas, the essence is to clearly define the changes in systematic manner. Please refer the 24-moutains Bagua Diagram for changes that take place.

  24 Mountains Bagua Transformation Diagram-1


  24 Mountains Bagua Transformation Diagram-2


  Transformation of Bagua Diagram


Translated by Kerby Kuek on Grand Master Lau origin text.  


E-mail address of Mr. Kerby Kuek : [email protected]



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