
Other Articles by Kerby Kuek

The Teaching of Dao 6-通道6  

                                                                                                          Exclusively brought to you by Kerby Kuek      

Unalterable Principle天經地義之大事

To perform ritual of worship in accordance to 4 seasons is the natural law and unalterable principle for ancient Chinese, filial son and wife would follow rigidly such custom by offering differently agricultural produces to worship ancestors in particular. Different season will have different name for such rituals, as for Spring such ritual is termed as ‘ci’ and in summer is  “ yue”, while in autumn such ritual is named “chang’ and in Winter the name of ‘zheng’ is given. If such practices are neglected, the purpose of life as human is violated.

四時的祭祀是天的常道,地的義理,孝子孝婦就依據上天四時的變化,各地的出產來奉獻祖先. 春天的祭祀叫『』,夏天的祭祀叫『礿』,秋天的祭祀叫『』,冬天的祭祀叫『』,如錯過時令而不能及時祭祀的話,那就喪失為人之子的道理. 

Traditional Chinese would have 3 levels of worships, firstly is to the ‘Heaven’ (Cosmic Power), secondly to ‘Ancestors’ and third to both ‘Gods & Devils’. This is end result of yielding to the supernatural powers.

中國傳統的神靈崇拜有三個方面;尊天,敬祖,拜鬼神. 這反映了人對自然力量的屈從.這又通過一定的祭祀儀式體現其影響. 

Dong Chun Shu: ‘The Emperor would receive command from the Heaven, the ministers of government should follow the command from the Emperor, son follows order from father, and wife follows order from husband and so on’. Such relations are abosolute. But in accordance to ‘The Book of Rites’ such relationship is ‘relative’, meaning that if Emperor violates his order, fellow ministers can violate the emperor’s order! Which one is applicable in today’s’ world, is personal!

董仲舒:《天子受命於天,諸侯受命於天子,子受命於父,臣受命於君,妻受命於夫,卑者受命於尊者,皆為受命於天.》臣子服從君王是絕對的.《禮記.表記 云:天子受命於天,士受命於君,故君命順,則臣有順命;君命逆,臣有逆命》.君如果逆於天命, 則為臣者也可以逆天子之命. 可見這關系是相對的.宜不宜用? 見人見智. 

In the book Zuo Zhuan’《左傳》, Ye Sen Her in the Qing era mentioned that the Heaven is consists of 6 energies (qi): Yin, Yang, Wind, Rain, Day and Night. These 6 energies are the result of the heaven (sky or cosmic) manifestation on human beings on earth. These 6 different states of energies are as follow: 「昭西元年載秦國的醫生和說: 天有六氣, 六氣曰: , , , , , 明也.」這六氣由天空展在人們面前的六種不同狀態. 

    Cloudy day is termed as "Yin 被雲遮住是「陰」 

    The day with no cloud as "Yang"沒有雲氣遮住稱「陽」 

    "Wind, Rain" are the movements of clouds 「風, 雨」都是雲氣運行的狀態 

    "Hi" is the Night 「晦」是晚間 

    "Ming" is the Day 「明」是白天  

Ye Sen Her added: any off-balance in the equation would ended up in disastrous state. 醫生和還說:『過則為災』  

Chun Qiu Fan Lu: The path of Heaven is about giving, while the Earth path is about nurturing and that eluded to The Human path of Justice and Manner. 春秋繁露: 『天道施, 地道化, 人道義』 

【天道是施予,地道是養育变化,人道是礼義.人能懂得礼義的基本道理, 便能應對事物的千变万化. 起端產生了終點! 礼制既能體現人們的需求和欲望,又能防止秩序的混亂. 

Eyes are for seeing right colors; ears are for hearing the right voices. Mouth is for tasting the right flavor and body is to walk on the right path.


Seek the reference from the divine and know your way to solve your predicament and doubts! 參玄悟道, 解難釋疑 

Learned the False Knowledge and Preached the False knowledge’以訛傳訛

Ancient scriptures are not without unclear authenticity and even fake one; some are plagiarized and some even ‘created’ without proper base. And as such in the pursue of the knowledge, many practitioners without realizing they have learned and passed on the false knowledge! How do you know which one with authenticity and which one with false techniques? The answer is simply be practical about the knowledge you have learned, this process is timely, taxing and at times frustrating to practitioners. Seek and you shall find the answer but how…. 

 Seek Through your Eyes and Seek through your Heart傳眼,傳心 

The only process of learning the Feng Shui topographical part by observing and experiencing the surrounding nature physically especially through your eyes but nevertheless the real essence of the ‘time’ aspect or Gua energy require ‘oral’ teaching and in ancients days such practices had resulted the lost of the great art and science since some carried such precious knowledge with them six feet under without passing to anyone!



E-mail address of Mr.Kerby Kuek : [email protected] 


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