
《新玄機》雜誌主頁   Other Articles by Kerby Kuek

Chinese 60 Tai Sui-part 1


During my visit to Daosit Koon in Northern Hong Kong, I was fortunate that Mr Cheung Nin (see below) of Wan Chuen Sin Koon to permit me to take photograh of all the 60 Tai Sui.


Mr. Cheung helped me to ignite the incense for offereing to my reverred master Lu Ju. 

Every year Chinese believe there is a ‘Great Commander’ that in–charge of the particular year actitives and is termed as Tai Sui (太歲). It also represents the year Heavenly Stem and Branch. For instance the first of the sixty tai sui begins with Jiazi (甲子) and ends with Guihai (癸亥). Each of them takes turn to be in charge of the world's general affairs for the particular year.  

In a particular year, if you offended, or by their sign conflict or clashes with the Tai Sui of the year. you are advised to go through a prayer session with a Taoist master to ask for blessing in obtaining Peace and Good Fortune throughout the year. Talismans thought to protect against Tai Sui are sold in many places. 

See below 60 Tai Sui.

  1. 甲子 (jia zi)  2. 乙丑 (yi Chou)

3. 丙寅 (bing yin) 4. 丁卯 (ding mao)

5. 戊辰 (wu chen) 6. 己巳 (ji si)

7. 庚午 (geng wu) 8. 辛末 (xin wei)

9. 壬申 (ren shen) 10. 癸酉 (gui you)

11. 甲戌 (jia qu) 12. 乙亥 (yi hai)

13. 丙子 (bing zi) 14. 丁丑 (ding chou)

15. 戊寅 (wu yin) 16. 己卯 (ji mao )

17. 庚辰 (geng chen) 18. 辛巳 (xin si)

19. 壬午 (ren wu) 20. 癸未 (gui wei)

21. 甲申 (jia shen) 22. 乙酉 (yi you)

23. 丙戌 (bing qu) 24. 丁亥 (ding hai)

25. 戊子 (wu zi) 26. 己丑 (ji chou)

27. 庚寅 (geng yin) 28. 辛卯 (xin mou)

29. 壬辰 (ren chen) 30. 癸巳 (gui ji)


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By Kerby Kuek  郭翹峰

Chief Disciple of Xuan Kong Zhang Pai  玄空掌派首席弟子

E-mail address of Mr. Kerby Kuek : [email protected]



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