
Other Articles by Kerby Kuek

English Article on Chinese Metaphysic-8

                                                                                              Exclusively brought to you by Kerby Kuek  

The Importance of Yin and Yang

    Yin and Yang is the basis for everything and it is the foundation of Chinese metaphysic. The Eternal (Wu Chi) transformed to Yin and Yang (Tai Chi) and from Yin and Yang evolved to Four-phenomena, which include four seasons (spring, summer, fall and winter) or four directions (north, east, south and west), it continued to form Eight Diagrams or Pa Kua. I-Ching, the book of changes, described lengthy the Pa Kua symbol and it meaning. 

Feng Shui is Science!

     Feng Shui involves studying the environment to create desired outcomes that you might not otherwise consider. Just as the subatomic particles that comprise us cannot be separated from the space, time and particles surrounding us, living beings cannot be isolated from the subtle energies of the environment in which we live. 

    The power of Feng Shui, not as something you do, but as the energy of which you are a part of it.  

Life is in a queue in line, a queue to face obstacles and challengers

    Life is full of challengers and obstacles, this is the fact. However, if your persist, just like a queue in line your turn will come and there is always a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Face reading provides a clue as and when you will see the light at the tunnel. 

Face Reading Tips:


    How do you know he is a good government servant?

    He smiles before he starts to talk. 


    How do you those with bulging eyeballs are ferocious?

     His two front teeth are missing.


E-mail address of Mr. Kerby Kuek : [email protected]

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