Exclusively brought to you by Kerby Kuek
December 7th-January 6th
This is a month of Rat and Flying Star 1 arrives.
The combinations of annual 2-sickness star and plus the arrival of monthly 1 white star might result in marriage breakups, health problems and female related issues since star 2 is Yin in nature. Voices of women will be heard. World will experience unusual weather, road and sea accidents that is unprecedented.
Kind Sectors: East/Northeast/Southeast
Unkind Sectors: West/Northwest
2008 Year of Rat Flying Star Chart
Auspicious Locations with Red Color (see below below)
1. The Northeast sector is conducive for achieving academic excellence with 4-Green star. Therefore, if you want to improve your academic qualities, this sector should be used for your bedroom or study room. To further strengthen such energy, you should place four lucky bamboo trees, four small plants or four wood calligraphy pens in this sector.
2. The Southeast sector with a 9-Purple star is conducive for events related to ‘happiness’ and ‘celebration’. Marriage, pregnancy, promotion and career advancement are in this category. This will be ideal if such a star falls in your bedroom or living room. To strengthen this energy, you can place a plant, nine red roses or red colored carpet this Southeast sector.
3. The Central sector with 1-White star is related to harnessing relationships that can be of help in increasing wealth if you are not a salaried staff person. In other words, if you are doing business, or work as an agent or broker, you need to improve your relationships and thus your opportunities for pursuing leads and closing deals. Place either a cup of clean water or a music box in this sector.
4. The 6-White star, located in the North sector, is ideal for skilled workers or technicians who want job stability. Place eight small white stones in this sector to strengthen such energies. Nevertheless, such energies will be diverted since frequent travel and constant changes in jobs requirement are required.
Inauspicious Locations with Black Color (see table below)
1. The Northwest sector with a 2-Black star is prone to illness. Unless you do something to counter such bad energies, you will constantly be using your sick leave for sure! In this sector, you can place a metal-related item such as a music box or a metal statue. Do not panic though. This 2-Black star is only related to minor illnesses such as sinusitis, coughs and headaches! Since 2-Black star also represents women, especially married women and be cautions about health issues that might lead you to long term problems that cannot be solved immediately. Stomach indigestive related problems as well as food poisoning are rampant.
2. The Southwest sector with a 7-Red star is often associated with robbery and small theft events. Place a cup of clean water to drain such bad energies at this sector in your home. North of Asia, USA, Europe and Africa will probably experience major car accidents or large earthquakes.
3. The 5-Yellow sickness star is located in the South sector and one should thus place six bronze coins or a metal plate or music box in the sector to fend off this bad health star. Northeast part of Asia, USA, Europe and Africa might face new diseases that call for the world attention. Local authorities should take serious precautionary measures against skin and food related illnesses.ht face health problems related to drugs and poisonous issue with drug trafficking issues. However, since san-sak bad star is located here, this area should not be disturbed with renovations or place any moving items like clock, water fountains, bell etc that might ignite the unkind energies.
4. The West area is associated with the 3-Green star and is linked to ‘oral’ arguments. The Northwest sector of the house should not be disturbed and, ideally, a red or pink carpet should be placed here. If your office, office desk or your working area is located in this sector, you or your company might face a tendency for closure, or resignations or constant arguments with your superior. More to do with internal discrepancies or differences among colleagues.
2008Feb 4th 19:03pm –The Official Year of the Rat
- Exclusive Reading by (www.misterfengshui.com)- 2008 Flying Star Chart
Southeast 9 (celebrations)
South 5 (major sickness)-san sak location
Southwest 7 (robberies)
East 8 (wealth)
Central 1 (relationships)
West 3 (disputes)
Northeast 4 (academic)
North 6
Northwest 2 (minor sickness)
Check the following (require some reference)
56th Minute San Sak location?
Every year, according to flying star theory (time aspect) there are certain locations that cannot be disturbed. Doing so will release unkind energies. It is believed that the Star-of-the-year will dictate which are good and bad locations for that the particular year. You should avoid any major renovation in such area, if you have to, you should start ‘renovating’ somewhere good first and eventfully to this end up, if viable, to this location. This is to avoid foot and hand injuries especially related to traffic accident.
If some how you find that outside your home, that particular direction is having major construction sites, you should apply the 5-elements theory solving methods.
Refer Appendix 1 for solutions and appendix 5 for San Sak Location
57th Minute Tai Sui location?
Tai Sui is the Star-of-the year or Grand Duke Jupiter. Every year there is a location representing this star. This location needs to be left alone as this is the King of the year’ private area. Like San Sak location, this location should not any major renovation done.
Again, refer my first book or my website for yearly Tai Sui locations or refer appendix 4.
58th Minute 5-Yellow locations?
This major sickness star is the most ferocious star that causes bad health for family members. You should avoid such star to fall in to your front door, bedroom or kitchen, as this might ignite the unkind energies to your life that affect your health. To solve such bad energies is easy, since the 5 Yellow sickness star is earth element, you can use metal to drain away such energies. Metal plate, music box that produces sound (as sound is metal in accordance to 5-element theory), bronze, cooper or coins are in metal form. Refer my first book, or website to find out the yearly 5 Yellow star locations. You had better get my first book, if you have not done so! Alternatively, you can refer appendix 3 for details.
59th Minute 2-Black locations?
Unlike 5-Yellow sickness star, 2-Black illness star will cause minor illnesses such as coughing, sinuses or headache. If let alone, it will bother you for the rest of the year. To solve such problem is easy and similar to 5-Yellow star’s method because 2-black star is also an Earth element in accordance to 5-element theory. To cure such illnesses, you can place metal element in the yearly 2-black star location (refer my book or website) Metal plate, music box that produces sound (as sound is metal in accordance to 5-element theory), bronze, cooper or coins are in metal form. Refer appendix 3 for locations of such star.
60th Minute Fuk Yuen location?
Fuk Yuen is the source of life force and ideally, this place is located in your bed. To find out such location is in accordance to you year of birth that formed three-musketeer effect.
Year of birth Fuk Yuen Locations
Rat Monkey and Dragon
Ox Snake and Rooster
Tiger Horse and Dog
Rabbit Boar and Goat
Dragon Monkey and Rat
Snake Rooster and Ox
Goat Boar and Rabbit
Monkey Rat and Dragon
Rooster Snake and Ox
Dog Tiger and Rabbit
Boar Rabbit and Goat
You might ask where the hack is these locations. Take one minute to refer to appendix for details.
61st Minute Kitchen Stove location?
The Kitchen is essential the most important place to signify the wealth and status in ancient China. Ancient Chinese believe that the wealth of each family is determined by the size of the kitchen, the bigger the family members the wealthier the family is. Therefore, the significantly of that still being practice till today due to, statistically showed that big family will their kitchen placed under auspicious locations. Based on eight-mansion theory, the stove direction in the kitchen should place accordingly. That is to place the stove under inauspicious sector and face the auspicious direction, however, in today’s context and statically proven that the stove should placed under the auspicious sector face the auspicious direction at the same time.
You need some guidance to determine the best location, you can refer either my first book or website, but now you need to determine the basic location and direction of stove. Take one minute to check the location of your house and the direction of the stove. Easy, place a compass in the middle of the kitchen to determine the location of the kitchen, and place a compass on your stove to see where it faces. Cannot have the best of both worlds! Bingo, you are right again!
62nd Minute Fish tank/aquarium location?
The location of the fish tank will determine whether the wealth energies can be ignited, Water governs the wealth while mountain governs the health of family members. If miss place your fish tank the reverse effect will weaken your ability to sustain wealth let alone to accumulate wealth.
Take a minute to refer back to the previous chapter. This powerful water element should be located either one of three sectors. The first one should near your front door or the second choice is the water-sector star location (refer my first book on summary of period 8 house setting), or in the southwest sector of your house in period 8.
63rd Minute Main Door direction? (Receiving water/Fuk Yuen etc)
This is actually the most important criteria that will let you to receive or retreat kind energies. Main door direction will determine the ‘life’ of such building for the next years. Take a minute to draw up a map of your house. You can place a compass on the middle of the house and dictate the direction of your front door. After you have done that, please refer summary of period 8 to find out your house setting.
64th Minute-Check out the house owner animal zodiac?
The house owner animal zodiac cannot dash with the front door direction, this is said to bring unkind energies to the owner.
Animal Dash with
Rat Horse
Ox Goat
Tiger Monkey
Rabbit Rooster
Dragon Dog
Snake Boar
Moreover, like wise the reverse is the same. I.e. Horse dashed with Rat!
E-mail address of Mr. Kerby Kuek : [email protected] [email protected]